2013 m. lapkričio 30 d., šeštadienis

Don't know who you are? Face your uniqueness every day

Ok, so basically lot of things have been going on about the meaning of life and what do you have to do with it and what kind of person are you supposed to be.
We usually get to know really well our destination - who do we wanna be and why, where do we wanna be in like ten or twenty years. It takes not that much to figure it out. You have your dreams so you evaluate them and you choose the one that suits you the best. But what is that you?

Let's imagine we have a destination: we need to fly to San Francisco. So we now know we need a plane ticket. If we don't have enough, we might as well start saving money. That is not a problem.
Issue is here: you can't get to San Francisco so easy if you don't know where you are. You can't simply start going South or West because you assume San Francisco is there. Well, okay, you can. But it might as well take years, decades or ages, and you might not reach your destination at all. Another business are sayings that it is okay not to reach your destination. And that is also true. But we also have very abstract destinations in our mindsets, which are possible to fulfill taking many routes (such as being happy for example). And in order for them to affect you the way you want you still have to know where you are this very moment.

When a question like "who am I" strikes a young person, it seems like an impossible to answer thing. This one question asks you so much more questions in so many ways. If you start to think about it then you usually search for some standard spiritual answers that are given in any religions or for some atheistic views. But beyond all that there also are other human factors. Firstly - biology. So who are you in biology? You are a human being. Okay, what else is unsolved? You can also find out your gender. But what after that?
I believe, it is mostly psychology questions that we need to answer. Not that difficult part with theories, but just the stuff we use everyday to communicate with other human beings.

We usually start evaluating ourselves within our biggest flaws or achievements and try to decide whether we are heroes or just some bad guys. If you don't think you have some big achievements it gets even more uncertain: how do I judge myself? How do I figure out who I am?

Instead of searching for some pompastic things that happen in our life not so often, how about just stopping by on our ordinary day? How much our ordinary day can say about us?

Let's take Tuesday. Did you work on Tuesday? What kind of work do you do? Do you have to deal with clients? How do you do that? Do you like your job? Why did you choose such profession? How do you do your job? Do you take breaks often? Do you feel tired? Do you feel lazy? How do you look at your job? What is your job to you? How do you feel the last hour of your job?
What did you eat for lunch? Did you eat lunch alone? Where did you eat your lunch? Why did you choose to eat it there?
How do you commute from work? Do you always do it the same way? Why do you choose such type of transport? Why do you live in this location?
What is the first thing that you do coming back home? Why? Is it a habit or do you just feel like doing it?
Do you remember you've just locked your door lock?
How do you spend your time after work? How do you feel after your job? What kind of emotions do you feel? What kind of thoughts come to you? Are your thoughts still connected to job? Why or why not?

Even how do you look at a passenger in a bus can say a lot. Not even to other people, but to yourself, if you dare to ask these questions. It helps to eliminate small flaws of yours that you don't think are really you or belong to you. That you just kind of "bought" from other people without noticing. That really does not work with your point of view.

It is probably way easier to think about abstractions "what is the meaning of life?" "Is there destiny?" than to just switch mirror to yourself and ask you why do you do this but don't do that. Basically, it's all that counts.
If you give person a very small task and he performs it well you are willing to give him a bigger task. The way you behave in your very small world of ordinary days is the very own foundation of how you will behave if there will be a natural disaster or any other thing you will become hero in.
And if I know the person who does not know why does he get up in the morning, why does he work, why does he work there, why does he have friends or girlfriend like that (these are the questions I get in my head when I meet a person), then I would probably never trust him with a task where he needs to figure it out. Because he does not think. Our lives consist of our ordinary days. Yes, we have birthdays and Christmas. And even Thanksgiving.
 But the one who behaves on that day as if he fully believes what he does but acts opposite to it in his own every day's life is a person who can discuss about how to make revolution in North Korea. He will never think that his life needs a revolution.

And when you figure out where you are now, you can decide on so many things. If you are in the sea then probably taking a plane is not your best choice as well as riding a car. If you are on the ground, the ship does not imply any progress in travelling. You can go and try some sinking or experimenting, but even experimenting has hypothesis. You can't go in blindly.
But what if you are in San Francisco? Or if you will start asking yourself why do you even want to go there? If a person knows how to go to San Francisco but does not know where he is that means his point of view is not his own. He may have asked a passenger in a bus, how to go to San Francisco. But then, what does the passenger know about you?

Accepting your own very small uniqueness leads you to understanding what way of travelling brings you closest and how to enjoy the travel. I can try to become a mathematician the way everyone does it and it might lead to unsuccessful sad and miserable life of mine. And I might not even succeed but live having good time. Only if I know HOW I can do it taking MYSELF into consideration.

2013 m. lapkričio 19 d., antradienis

People who resemble people

If you met enough people, you probably now, that people resemble other people.
I am a terribly social person. If I see someone interesting in a bus, I usually start a chat. That is even how I got my beloved job which I am doing these days.

I like to meet people. I love to share inspiring stuff whether it's mine or not, it really does not matter.
I love to hear something new from that other person. To learn something today. Be a little bit closer to understanding others which is an essential skill in nowaday's world. And also, it pays my soul's bills. It is good to help each other.
So, in my life, I met almost as many people as I could. Most of my time was spent talking and listening, discussing, rethinking, sharing and getting, learning. And it all involves people.
When I would meet someone new and communicate with that person for some time, I would usually start to think "that person resembles me of someone". At first, I seriously thought it is not a really good thing. I mean, here you are with a person, talking right now, but thinking about other person. How is this fair? How could it ever be?
But then, after some time, I thought: maybe it is because I miss these people? So they are kinda missing in my head, and other people remind me of them? But also, that does not let to focuss on a current person, which is the only one like that in a world.
However, later on, after forgetting all of these theories, I was washing hands in a bathroom, looking at the mirror, and I remebered that people resemble people. Is it good? Is it not? Who benefits from that resemblance? Is it the one of whom you are reminded? Or the one whom you are talking with?
Probably both. But I have to say: maybe we are just not so different from each other. Usually we concentrate that there is no one else like me in this world. And we are right. But also your friend might have similar eyes, or tone of speech, and that's okay too. Probably, that is what reminds me that we are all together in this whatever I do. So that I would consider as many people as it is possible, when making decissions. So that I could really decide what is worth doing and what is not.
Because we are all in this together, and whatever I do, it will affect you.