2013 m. lapkričio 19 d., antradienis

People who resemble people

If you met enough people, you probably now, that people resemble other people.
I am a terribly social person. If I see someone interesting in a bus, I usually start a chat. That is even how I got my beloved job which I am doing these days.

I like to meet people. I love to share inspiring stuff whether it's mine or not, it really does not matter.
I love to hear something new from that other person. To learn something today. Be a little bit closer to understanding others which is an essential skill in nowaday's world. And also, it pays my soul's bills. It is good to help each other.
So, in my life, I met almost as many people as I could. Most of my time was spent talking and listening, discussing, rethinking, sharing and getting, learning. And it all involves people.
When I would meet someone new and communicate with that person for some time, I would usually start to think "that person resembles me of someone". At first, I seriously thought it is not a really good thing. I mean, here you are with a person, talking right now, but thinking about other person. How is this fair? How could it ever be?
But then, after some time, I thought: maybe it is because I miss these people? So they are kinda missing in my head, and other people remind me of them? But also, that does not let to focuss on a current person, which is the only one like that in a world.
However, later on, after forgetting all of these theories, I was washing hands in a bathroom, looking at the mirror, and I remebered that people resemble people. Is it good? Is it not? Who benefits from that resemblance? Is it the one of whom you are reminded? Or the one whom you are talking with?
Probably both. But I have to say: maybe we are just not so different from each other. Usually we concentrate that there is no one else like me in this world. And we are right. But also your friend might have similar eyes, or tone of speech, and that's okay too. Probably, that is what reminds me that we are all together in this whatever I do. So that I would consider as many people as it is possible, when making decissions. So that I could really decide what is worth doing and what is not.
Because we are all in this together, and whatever I do, it will affect you.

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