2014 m. gegužės 7 d., trečiadienis


And so you kill
You kill excitement when you also kill risks
Risks to be disappointed
Risks to be overcomed

When you've given up on getting something
and there you get it, a very tiny part of it
only a tiny bit of you feels pleasure
and all the other parts are fed with apathy
fed up with all the things that could have happened
with all the things that you've already experienced
all the things that will really happen
if you let yourself out, if you drop all the chains

if you...
how does it work?
How come you cannot enjoy if you once told yourself not to?
Preventing all the loss and damage you would have had to endure

there you get it
the thing you might have desired most in your life
there you get it
and only silence in your lungs 
you hear some kind of fizz
like coming from the old tv
that does not work anymore
that does not show channels
yet still has electricity

it's like you tumble and fall
finally understanding
that tv is the same
it still works but it doesn't
a fizz comes
it approaches
it's here
cannot show
any channels

there is nothing to show